card shoppe



I love, loVE LOVE the Mondo OMG die—it is proving to be even more versatile than I imagined—YAY!!! (fist pump)

Flowers are usually the standby for my mama for her Mother’s Day card; she is an avid gardener (among her many other talents). But this year, I wanted to try something different and unexpected . . .

FYI: there’s a little “enbiggan” button on the video player, lower right corner; if you click on that, you can watch in full screen. Just sayin’ . . .


A short cut would have been to use patterned paper, but I didn’t have any in exactly the colors I was wanting, so I DIY’d it. Paper crafters gotta do what paper crafters gotta do, eh?! It turned out pretty slick, if I do say so m’self! (monkey clapping)

SIDEBAR/TIP???: I’ve noticed that Glossy Accents works pretty well for gluing little bitty things onto vellum card stock, meaning it holds well. Also, when I first got the needle nose applicator tip and installed it on the bottle, it clogged up within short order. Annoyed, I quit using that particular bottle for, like, a whole year +. (insert bulging eyeballs)

A few weeks ago, I had a brawny handy man (a.k.a. The Mister) use his brute strength to twist that applicator tip off the bottle (I have tendinitis and didn’t have the strength to grasp and twist it myself). I then plunged the whole tip thing into a bowl of almost-boiling hot water, and put something on top to weight it down and keep it submerged under the hot water for a while. This dissolved a lot of the clogged material, but not all of it. It did soften it, however, so I removed the needle nose from the main plastic housing (using some pliers) and then took a pin and essentially "pushed” the remaining clogged/dried material inside, out the end of the needle nose. This took a little patience and persistence, but eventually I got all of it out and have been able to use it once again without issue—I was surprised at how much had gotten stuck inside there (!). But, I may have to do the whole soaking thing every now and then to really keep it clear/unclogged.

What themes do you do typically gravitate towards for Mother’s Day cards?



Modern, clean AND easy to reproduce? Yes, please! Stamp flowers in a pretty mid-tone pink, white emboss greeting onto scraps of card stock that look pretty together, trim and pop them up onto the card front. •BOOM•

NOTE: I will say this photo is a tad deceptive—I really had a hard time shooting it without overexposing it—I had to slip a quarter sheet of that deep pink (actually more of a deep pink red color) underneath it for more contrast. In reality, that color of paper is a tad more pink and not quite as deep as the photo shows.

Anyhoo, I was so stoked over how this turned out, I bet it would look awesome in a variety of color combos—time to dive into the scrap bin! (wink)

Have a fab day!