There was a lotta chuckling and monkey-clapping goin’ on when I finished this one—and I know just who to send it to, LOL! Hands and feet were hand drawn, and then the little guys were coated with Glossy Accents.

The Bears are ready for Turkey Day—I’m laughing because I remember the last time the Mister and I were in Disneyland, and he just had to have one of those turkey legs—they’re ginormous, LOL! I

I haven’t shown off the Mondo Amaryllis yet, so here’s one way to use it. I white embossed it with a detail/fine white powder and watercolored it. I’ve learned (after many fails, LOL!) to use a fine/detail embossing powder if I plan to die cut the shape later because when I use regular, the embossing seems to crack and chip off from the pressure.

Hope you found today’s shares inspiring!