As I mentioned in my previous post, I’m currently visiting my daughter’s family in Japan. But, I realized there were a few projects I’d made from my most recent EBE Release that I hadn’t shared here, so I’ll try to pop in, when time allows, with a quick share here and there.

This little birdie is just so sweet and love how the solid/filler allows you to highlight his li’l cheek and wing! I have a thing for birds . . . Not sure why . . . I think it’s just that they seem so graceful and free. Unless they’re crows, buzzards or vultures, of course. LOL!

After assembly, the balloon was treated to a nice coating of Glossy Accents and allowed to dry—for some reason, lately, I want to Glossy Accents all the things.

And, I’m a sucker for those teeny tiny star sequins . . . Such an adorable accent! •heart eyes•

Hope you’re having a lovely day and thanks for stopping by!