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On with today’s post:

Created this card (and video) on the Ellen Hutson Blog the other day, linked HERE.

I call it a hack because I have pretty much zero Valentines specific stamps and dies. LOL! Desperate times call for desperate measures, right?! I was feeling quite smug over how this turned out—cuter than what I had in my head. That’s always a win, right?!


  1. On a panel white card stock (a quarter sheet), make pencil marks 1” apart along the top long edge (starting from the right to the left) and and then along the left short edge starting from the top and working your way down.

  2. Using a score board, align the first pencil mark (remember, you started from the right!) and the lower right corner of the panel along the same groove and deboss (score) a line from the pencil mark to that corner.

  3. That corner will be your “pivot” point as you shift the panel to align the next pencil mark and score another line; repeat until you have all your “sunrays” completed! If that doesn’t make sense, just watch the video I did for Ellen’s YouTube channel.

  4. Trim 1/4” off the top long edge and the left short edge; mount this to the front of a standard A-2 (4.25 x 5.5” when folded) card base made from white card stock. Set aside.

  5. Die cut All The Feels twice from pink card stock and once from red. Glue the die cuts together and onto the card front, creating a “drop-shadow” effect, as shown.

  6. Stamp the hand/heart image from Love Notes using red ink onto pink card stock and die cut; pop up onto card as shown.


I love making projects like this—it’s a fabulous way to stretch your supplies and tools!

Hope you get some creative time this week and thanks for stopping by!