
Don’t mind if I do! HA!

Random fact: You can fit 20 of these ice cream cones all neat and tidy on an A-2 card front.

The above only has 19 because I left a gap for the sentiment and just before I committed, I banked left and made a tag out of it to fit in that space. I’m such a deviant! (insert rolling eyeballs)


Each of these was topped with a coating of Diamond Stickles—it adds just the right amount of sparkle for this design but I couldn’t capture it on camera because of an agonizing dance between light, angle and overexposure that was giving me grief that day. Argh.

So, what’s your favorite ice cream? Mine is Tillamook’s Marionberry Pie . . . So so good! Altho I am pretty much an equal opportunity ice cream consumer . . . heh, heh, heh!!!

Have a gooder! Oh, and hey—tune in tomorrow; I’m in a video hop!