eye candy


The Essentials by Ellen Holiday 2022 Release is now live and available at ellenhutson.com (affil. link)

You can follow the Instagram hop at 9am Pacific and leave some comment love all along the way to enter the giveaways—who doesn’t love a prize, #amiright?

Snow Much Fun is based on the memory of getting my Christmas wish last year; snow. AND LOTS OF IT! My driveway had the grand littles whooping and swooping down into the front yard, building snowmen and warming their hands by a fire the Mister started when darkness fell and the twinkling tree lights came on. I watched them from the window, with my hands wrapped around a mug of coffee and Baileys. The scene outside wasn’t perfect picturesque nor Instagram worthy, but hearing the shouts and squeals of pure happy and seeing those grinning faces with rosy cheeks? Priceless!!!

feat. SNOW MUCH FUN STAMP/DIE (affil. link)

Hooray for snow days! Sure hope we get one or two this year!

Bundled Up makes me think of all things cozy and warm. And, I love a good solid/2 step stamp set sooooooo much!

NEW: BUNDLED UP STAMP SET & DIE / OH WHAT FUN! (last year’s gift with purchase set) (affil. links)

That knit pattern, those warm wintery colors . . . I just love this combo! It’s like . . . warm fuzzies all around!

OK, this next one is interactive—soooo much fun to play with and so stinkin’ CAYUUUTE!!! Even if I do say so m’self! (chinkle)

feat. SNOW ANGELS STAMP & DIE COMBO (affil. link)

But . . . WHAT DOES IT DO, Julie? Well, ladies & gentlemen, you can watch a little preview below on my Instagram. 😁

You can also see a full-fledged assembly video right on the release page → Essentials by Ellen Holiday 2022 Release (affil. link)—just scroll down the page towards the bottom, and you’ll see the video player. You can also watch it on the Ellen Hutson YouTube Channel HERE.

So, the color scheme I used on my samples? None other than my go-to inks by Catherine Pooler (EH affil. links):

I have more to share, but I’m tuckered at the moment—please stay tuned for more inspo to come!

Thanks for stopping by!

Disclosure: I include affiliate links to the products used in my projects and make a small commission when you purchase via those links, at no extra cost to you.

Thank you for buying all the things!