“Creativity needs to rest.”


I read that statement somewhere, and wish I could recall exactly where.

Sidebar: If this is a topic that doesn’t interest you, scroll on past.

But, it is something that hit me hard last spring and throughout these summer months; my work is “creative on demand”, by its very nature, and this comes with its own unique set of stressors. This is compounded, for me personally, by inherited clinical depression , anxiety (yes, I take medication and am not ashamed) and as someone who is a slow, methodical and linear sequential thinker (I envy those that can multi-task), with strong tendencies to hyperfocus on one task until it is completed. To the point of obsession.

When I am overwhelmed by all the above, I “withdraw” as a matter of self-preservation.

I’m pretty much a hot mess on a hamster wheel. Yeah, that sounds about right. And, while I can laugh about the vision this conjures up, I also know if I don’t step off the wheel when the warning signals begin rearing their ugly heads, things are really gonna’ go south. Don’t get me wrong; I firmly believe in hard work, but I also believe that the American “hustle culture”, in its current state, contributes greatly to mental health issues and burn out.

Like so many others, I am STILL trying to find balance between work and living life within my limitations . . .

“That’s all I got to say about that.”—Forrest Gump

My latest collection of stamps & dies released last week on and I have a few samples to share that might inspire you! Do you love the great outdoors or have peeps in your life that do? Then this release is soooooo perfect!!! You can see the entire collection over on the Ellen Hutson Release Page HERE (affil. link)

Gosh, I love solid stamps so. much. !!! They just make me so giddy I can’t even . . . #allthehearteyes


And, I gotta share my little “Airstream™” trailer tutorial from the Ellen Hutson YouTube Channel:

Video Tutorial HERE

If you don’t have that Birch Trees Cover Panel in your collection yet, well, by golly, you are missin’ out! Just sayin’ . . . I love that thing . . .

Have a great weekend!

Disclosure: Affiliate links to the products used in my projects, that I like and use may be included; I make a small commission when you purchase via those links, at no extra cost to you. Thank you for all your support!