Keep it simple or go all about with an interactive card! The Good Day Set is a lot of fun for scene building with its chic convertible and free-wheelin' bike images!

This design was color blocked into thirds, and the images were white embossed and then I simply ink blended color onto them, using Blender Brushes, instead of using more traditional coloring methods!


Same set + the Push-Me-Pull-You Die and my girls are zipping back & forth! Video tutorial for how to use the Push-Ne-Pull-You Die right HERE. And here’s a golden nugget: The die can be used with a wide variety of images you’d like to make travel in reverse action. Think about this: Fish swimming back & forth in the sea, planes or birds flying by in the sky, rotate the card, and you can have critters (gophers, mebbe???) popping up and down out of holes. Now, go forth and be creative! EEP!!!


I deliberately took a minimalist approach on this last one because, well, that’s truly my favorite style of card-making. A little bit of quick and easy watercoloring, and trimming the park scene/background panel on the diagonal to give our girl the illusion of a pathway to cruise along on her bike . . .

It’s the little things . . . (smile)

Thanks for stopping by today and hope you have some time this weekend to be creative!


Disclosure: Yup, those are affiliate links to the products used in my projects and I make a small commission when you purchase via those links, at no extra cost to you. Thank you for buying all the things!